
You need rest. But how? 

How can you switch off? How can you take a break from the relentless demands on your time?

When you feel exhausted and overwhelmed by the calls for your attention (from emails, What’sApp messages, work, appointments, children, partners, parents, friends, or social activism) you need to rest.


Your lonely, distracted, overstimulated nervous system craves relief. 

But, paradoxically, you don’t need to do more. You need to do less. 

The spacious silence of Restorative yoga teaches you how to down-shift. In short, it increases your resilience.

Burnout Culture

Capitalism and patriarchy are interlocking systems that want you to believe rest equals laziness, and a women’s work is never done. 

These systems don’t see you as a sacred being, but rather as a machine for efficient productivity. 

In this context, resting is a radical act.


Some stress is invigorating, even healthy for our bodies. But are you, instead, living with chronic stress?

Chronic stress contributes to heart disease, hormone disruption, infertility, premenstrual symptoms, digestive disorders, emotional instability, anxiety, depression, disrupted sleep and more. 

Restorative yoga is a powerful tool to decrease stress by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.


Meditation is often taught through the mind: watching the thoughts, for example. 

In Restorative yoga you begin with the physical body. First finding comfort, and then bringing your attention to the sensations of the body. 

Because sensation is always in the present moment.


You already know the answers. 

Holding space for silence is a profound way to listen. 

Restorative yoga allows you to open up and let go into your own intuition and creative wisdom.


Yoga Teacher and Creative Lizzie Lasater

Lizzie Lasater began teaching Vinyasa Yoga in 2005, before earning a Masters in Architecture from Columbia University. She lives in Salzburg, where she chases after her four-year-old twin boys while producing online yoga courses with her Mama, Judith Hanson Lasater. Lizzie writes a weekly newsletter all about making space for the pleasure of rest.

Course Description

This teacher training is a targeted look at the theory, alignment, sequencing, and energetics of Restorative yoga. 

Learning to teach Restorative yoga is, first and foremost, about learning to practice Restorative yoga. 

In this training you will learn to:

  • Invite more space, stillness, and silence into your own body.

  • Reconnect with your innate ability to relax and to heal.

  • Support your students finding silence in the midst of our cacophonous culture.

  • Teach supported inversions - advanced poses for quieting the mind.

Open to yoga teachers and serious students from all styles. Required reading: Restore and Rebalance: Yoga for Deep Relaxation by Judith Hanson Lasater.

Course Structure

This 50 hour teacher training is a hybrid of in-person and online material. 

It has four components:

Live Training

The next live training is June 2023 in Paris.


Please email Lizzie directly for pricing and enrollment information: [email protected]